Based on the parameters you supply, our IVR testing solution makes real phone calls to both your call center and IVR systems using speech-to-text technology and DTMF navigation. This allows us to validate that your system is working as it should.
Busy lines, telephone circuits that are down, or failure to route calls
Whether your IVR system is answering
Incorrect IVR messaging or high load/operator errors
Menu prompts that don’t provide suitable feedback
Calls that are terminated prematurely or system hangups
Degraded voice/speech quality
Silence or large delays with your IVR
IVR menu tree navigation functionality
Text-to-speech functionality issues
Whether IVR-related backend web call is functioning correctly
If you’re looking to add a new line, we offer a 14-day free trial of our testing and monitoring service. This allows you to add up to three lines, and do so with no upfront payment.
When you add a new line, our system uses a unique learning mode that creates a database of detectable keywords as well as uses a proprietary algorithm that self-tunes to your specific needs. This enables us to provide the most accurate monitoring service available in the industry.